How to Travel In India on Budget?

By | April 13, 2018

The India which owns exciting history is admired by the people around the world as the most desirable travel destination. Rich culture, delicious food, and arguably the most beautiful places make this independent country the choice of travel lovers.

Budget Trips In India

The young blood and the mediocre that are still dreaming to explore their own country but fails each time due to their low bank balance can now plan a budgeted and can explore this beautiful country with just 100 bucks in their pockets.

Since this alluring country posses everything from mountains to beaches, snows to deserts, rivers to plains. Though through the past experiences I would like to put forward my inputs that will help you travel this beautiful country within a budget. Here are some of the tips:-

1) Choose transportation services wisely

Transportation undoubtedly plays a major role in your long budgeted journey. Transportation will bring you with the higher cost of the petrol is expensive everywhere. Planning early and booking your tickets beforehand will make you save much while planning that is creating your travel route that optimizes your travel plan.

Further, booking cab services such as Uber, Ola, and Meru with their sharing options or to go for car rental services such as Myles car and Zoomcar that will let you enjoy at your own risk with various money saving deals will be the best option.

2) Save with hotel bookings

Planned trip will always let you save in one or other way be it your hotel bookings or your flight bookings. Traveling offseason and booking a week before your trip will surely let you save hefty amounts.

Save with hotel bookings

Choosing online platforms such as Happyeasygo, Trivago, Clear Trip, Tajawal, Make My trip and others will let you make cheap bookings. Get assistance of Tajawal discount code to get much discount

3) Be good with your research

Traveling without research will only make you spent extra than estimated. Be clear about the travel plans and you stay because the complete research will not only let you enjoy the comfortable stay but will also save the extra spending.

4) Food

No, you cannot even think of trip without food but yes choosing wise food options will also save your budget. Go for Thali system or enjoy the Indian street food because the will be the way less costly than the foods at the restaurants and hotels.

5) You should be good at bargaining

Oh yes! Bargaining, Indians have their good hand in bargaining while making the witty use of this skill they save almost at all places. Be it shopping, bookings, traveling or food; bargaining will land you in your dream place without much wastage.

6) Travel overnight

The travelers do always recommend night travel as overnight travel will not only save your time but will also save your room expenses. Traveling by local train will take care of your comfort and let you sleep in compartments while traveling.

7) Window shopping or at Government emporiums

If you want to take back home some souvenirs of the place, you can do so from the government emporium that is there in almost every tourist destination the benefits of making your purchase from these emporiums are that is they are tax-free, easy on the pocket and promote the business of the local artisans.

Otherwise, window shopping is the other best option in India where you can purchase your desired products at cheaper rates with lots of bargaining. Travelers are suggested to not to shop from places suggested by your guides or driver as they might have a commission. Instead, ask the locals and other tourists.

8) Travel in the group

Travel in the group

Traveling in groups of 2-3 offers better cost savings though is willing to share rooms and will comfortable and flexible while bargaining for the lesser price.

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